Sunday, June 7, 2015

Life when you have lived life

Now I will explain an opinion article of Ramon Folch in exchange for news.

Ramon Folch talks about life when you've lived life. He explains that early in life as you see great people are dying later your family: grandparents, parents, siblings, friends ... until he leaves you. When you're alone you live miserably. Some people become more conservative and more daring. So when you live with all the people around you're not aware that you have until you're alone. Yet you know that someday you will come better the reality in which you live each moment. He compares the ignorance of when death occurs, (the target) with a clever sentence: "No one is so young that can not die tomorrow" as Fernando de Rojas says. As you do not know when it will happen you have to always live as much good as you can and as Ramon says improving the life around us.

 I think and believe as Folch that death will always be there i must live with it so you can use all the time with those around you. Also when you are young and a family member or friend dies, you do not know the pain caused by the old you. So when an elder dies you think good to him and he was not surprised little life and although it hurts you inside. Folch says that's why when you get older and you've run out of anyone around you nobody will be surprised if your death but may hurt.

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